Mohican Members,

We have heard increasing complaints from the neighbors of the pool who live along Walhonding and Mohican roads about parking during major events.  Please be good neighbors and respect all parking rules.  Parking along MacArthur Blvd is legal and for major events we hire a crossing guard to help people safely cross.  You can also park at the small lot just to the south of the pool entrance on MacArthur.

While Walhonding does not limit parking to one side of the road, we would ask that you try to park only along one side.  The neighbors are worried about emergency vehicle access and have expressed some concern about getting out of their driveways.  If cars are parked along both sides, please be aware that the road must remain passable by emergency vehicles. Please see below for a recap of the major parking violations in Montgomery County.

Montgomery County Parking Laws

(From a NextDoor post by Lieutenant Michael Hartnett from Montgomery County Police Department 

Listed below are the most frequent parking violations officers see in neighborhoods, unless specifically noted all fines are $60, some violations may result in towing which depending on size and difficulty of towing starts at $150 not including storage fees, your time and aggravation.

Chapter 31
Section 17 Parked within 35 feet of an intersection (This is towable if it creates a hazard) It is designed to allow drivers view of approaching traffic.

Section 19 Parked within 5 feet of a driveway (On either side of the driveway there must be a five foot clearance to allow for turning) This too is towable at the officer’s discretion it is not a mandatory tow)

Section 20B1 Parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant You will be towed (Again 15 feet on the approach and past of the hydrant. If there is a legitimate fire call the fire department will do what is necessary to access it.)

Section 20B2 Parked within 20 feet of a crosswalk Again designed for safety

Section 20B3 Parked within 30 feet of a traffic signal or stop sign.

There are probably 50 or more parking infractions, some overlap in violations but the list above is pretty much the most frequent violations officers handle. There is also sign violations and parked opposite flow of traffic also known as left wheel to curb. Please do not go out with a tape measure and then call in a complaint because someone parked 32.5 feet from an intersection. If a car poses a true hazard then call 301-279-8000, police non emergency number and an officer will come out. The officer has discretion as to what course of action is taken, he can issue a citation, warning or make contact with the offender and have the vehicle moved. He can ticket and he can ticket and tow depending on the seriousness of the situation. he will be the one who decides in the end.